The Jesus Christ Tabernacle Windsor has been established since 2009. We are neither a denomination nor an organization, however we are the Bride of Christ. For God sent a message, through His prophete/Messenger William Branham (1909-1965), which is preparing a Bride for her Bridegroom:The Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:7-9).Therefore, we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, the word of God, which transforms men and women to become virtuous christians in the stature of God, and be living Tabernacles for the Living God to dwell in.
Rev. Pastor Norbert Winner
Wednesday at 7:30 PM @ Bible study
Friday at 7:30 PM @ Prayer meeting
Sunday at 10:30AM @ Sunday school
Sunday at 11:00 AM @ Sermons
God's mission to our church is to preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15-18), and to win souls to Christ, to turn people from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith of Jesus Christ. That they may be set apart for God by the baptism of fire and the Holy Spirit.
God's vision for our church is to be a perfect church, a super church, filled with the Holy Spirit and endued with power from on high as it was on the Day of Pentecost. For it's written:"And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues,as the Spirit gave them utterance"(Acts 2:4).
God's purpose for our church is to fulfill again the prophecy of Joel 2:28-32, for the Glory of His Name. For it's written: "And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high."( Luke 24:49). What is the promise of the Father ? Joel 2:28-32, why, for it's written: ( A POURING OUT OF GOD'S SPIRIT) ''And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daugthters shall prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit. And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance , as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.'' We firmly believe that this promise of the Father was made unto the apostles, and to the church today. That's why we all continue with one accord in praying and supplication until Joel's prophecy is once again fulfilled. We praise and bless God for Joel's prophecy is not over. Amen! The time for the prophecy of Joel 2:28-32 is not over. It's here again today. We need another Pentecost. We need another outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It is coming. Amen.
Reverend W. Branham said : «If you do not have a doctrine, you’re not a church. You’ve got to have something that you stand for, some principles that you are holding up. » What is the Holy Spirit? U.S.A. 1959 §8.
We have no creed but Christ, no law but Love, no book but the Bible. We firmly believe the Bible to be God’s infallible word. We believe that the Bible is the entire revelation of Jesus Christ; revealing Himself in the Old Testament, by the prophets; God making his self known through His son, Jesus Christ, for in Him dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. He was crucified for our sins; buried, rose the third day; ascended into Heaven, and is back again in the form of the Holy Spirit. God above us, God with us; now God in us. The Father in Heaven is still acting, so the Holy Spirit in us is acting, too.
We teach the principles of the doctrine of Christ that are repentance from unbelief and from dead works. New birth, holiness, faith in God (have faith in God), Supreme Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ (mystery of godliness), justification by faith only (the just shall live by his own faith), revival (outpouring of the Holy Spirit), transcendence and sovereignty of God , sanctification (without which no one will see God), the wrath of the living God against the sinners, the seed of the serpent, the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, the baptism of fire and of the Holy Spirit, perfection, the Lord’s supper, wash the saint’s feet, laying-on of hands, revelation of the Son of Man, opening of the seven seals of revelation, resurrection of the dead and rapture’s faith.
The following decisions and the operations of the offices in application to the Jesus Christ Tabernacle. The purpose of this is to enlighten the members attending worship services at the Jesus Christ Tabernacle regarding the proper functioning of the services in order to agree and unite as a body understanding each other's position as we work together for the advancement of the kingdom of God.
The office of the Pastor is to lead and act on each program that he believes to be according to God's plan, for the Jesus Christ Tabernacle. He will assume supreme authority and will have personal and undivided responsibility for guarding and promoting the spiritual welfare of the church. He shall be the head of the Associate Pastor, the Council of Deacons, the Board of Trustees, and the body of the church acting as the General Assembly itself. Acting wisely to lead God's saints and showing love for all the saints and their burdens. Leading himself in perfect bondage to what God has called him to and what God has placed him to do.
The office of the Associate Pastor is to fulfill and discharge the duties of the Pastor in his absence to conduct worship services according to the doctrine believed and practiced. He shall be vested with the same powers as the Pastor, having full responsibility and acting with full authority to keep the church in order. He shall show a deep interest in all the burdens of the saints and in fulfilling the commission to which God has called him as a shepherd. He shall give the pastor periodic reports on the progress of the church, on spiritual problems present, and on problems that are urgent. He shall not undertake any business transaction without first presenting the pastor with the exact transaction.
This body of men will govern the property of the church as a business group. They are elected to protect the church in all its financial matters and business investments, and to oversee its properties and expenditures. They will strongly consider every movement of progress. Step by step, as far as the funds of the Association are concerned, for they will be responsible for guarding it from any debt, and the saints from any burden too great to bear financially. When they must take charge of a project, whatever it may be, they will bring the subject to the Pastor. The consultation of the Pastor on any financial project in which the church wishes to invest or commit itself is absolutely required.
The office of the Deacons, as elected according to the word of God, is to act as an office of spiritual assistance to the Pastor. They are to assist the Pastor in all his spiritual activities. They have freedom of speech to present to the pastor any program or benefit that could bless the general and spiritual welfare of the church. They must be able to teach and available to assist the Pastor or Associate Pastor in every duty and called to do so. They shall attend for fellowship. They shall assist as police officers in all services. They shall be the church police, maintaining the spiritual leadership of the church by working with the Pastor and with each other on spiritual problems and needs for spiritual counseling or general welfare. They have no right to act on any program or promotion without an agreement with each other with the Pastor or with the Trustees and the program in question involves church funds. They shall be responsible before God for their conduct or manner of service according to the word of God. They shall not have any meeting among themselves, without the Pastor or Associate Pastor being present.
The Treasurer's responsibility is to be able to accurately report on the financial status of current treasury funds. This report shall be provided to the Pastor and the Board of Trustees upon their request for such a report. No other office in the church may have access to this information. He may obtain such information from the trustees' report, to take notes and minutes of actions taken by the board of trustees. He has no authority to transmit or make known to any office acting in the church, the financial statement, or any related information. Except in the case of the Pastor or the Board of Directors. He shall not be a consultant in spiritual matters, nor is it necessary for him to attend meetings of the Deacons, unless requested by the Pastor.
The office of Sunday School Superintendent is of vital importance to the church. Although his duties are not major, he is responsible for keeping the children's classes with their teachers in the rooms taught for them. In the absence of a Sunday School teacher, he will designate another teacher to replace the absent one. He will carefully monitor the timings of the classes, beginning and end not to interfere with the worship service. He/she will present the Sunday School supply needs to the Board of Trustees, who will advise him/her of the funds available for such supplies. He will not direct the teachers themselves; he will assign them only to their classes. He will not take charge of any Sunday School program without consulting the Pastor. His duties are confined to the Sunday School department only. He is not required to attend meetings of the Council of Deacons or of the Trustees, he is free of any responsibility incumbent on the Deacons or Trustees, so that all his time may be devoted to supervising Sunday School with dedicated interest
The musical program and everything related to the development of such a program is under the supervision of the Pastor only and the Associate Pastor. During regular services, special meetings, or revivals, and at all times, the Pastor will advise and conduct this program. The Board of Directors. The Board of Trustees shall advise on the acquisition of any musical instrument, and the Pastor shall be consulted. Any suggestions for musical programs, whether from saints, deacons or interested parties, shall be presented to the Pastor, who shall welcome them and decide upon such suggestions. It is preferable that the Pastor control this program as he is the leader of the worship service, and trust is placed in his ability to lead the church in worship that is most pleasing to God. Music programs: testimony services, speeches by various parties, reports to the church by the various services or any program intervening in the time of worship should be under the supervision of the pastor.
Reverend W. Branham said:«There is a time that a man can come to a place where he can have a purpose. It is something that will change him. And that is, when a man meets God. A man can never be the same if he ever meets God face to face. It will change him despite anything you can do about it. A man can never be the same after he once meets God. » (Paraphrased from “What It Takes to Overcome All Unbelief: Our Faith“ , Yakima Washington U.S.A. 60-0729 § 73-74)
In 1993, I met God and I have been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ according to Acts 2:38.
In 1995, I have been filled with the Holy Spirit.
Brother Norbert Winner
We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, He is God the Father manifested in the flesh, Creator of Heavens, the earth, the sea, and all that is therein. Colossians 1:16; Revelation 1:8; Isaiah 9:6; 1Timothy 3:16